G-FINDER data portal: tracking funding for global health R&D

The G-FINDER project tracks R&D funding for new products and technologies that address global health challenges disproportionately affecting the world's most disadvantaged populations. The G-FINDER data portal provides open access to all data captured by the G-FINDER project between 2007 and 2023 and is updated annually towards the end of the year.

Although still accounting for more than half of total EID funding, COVID investment sharply declined in 2023

Lassa fever R&D funding almost exclusively relies on public funding, which halved between 2022 ($49m) and 2023 ($25m)

After some industry investment around 2017, Zika R&D funding nowadays almost exclusively relies on public funding, which more than halved between 2022 ($99m) and 2023 ($43m)